16 December, 2021. online presentation: Leandro Paulino: Patterns of carbon and nitrogen cycle in volcanic ash-soils in Chile: implication to greenhouse gas emissions and examination from the EarthShape perspective.
10 December, 2021. data publication: K. Übernickel, K. et al. (2021). Time series of meteorological stations on an elevational gradient in National Park La Campana, Chile.
09 December, 2021. online presentation: Camilo del Rio: Spatial distribution and interannual variability of coastal fog and fog water yields in the Atacama Desert. Basis for building the fog water map for Chile.
24 November, 2021. publication: I. Dal Bo et al. (2021) GPR and EMI Characterization of the Hyperarid Study Site of Yungay, Chile: Implications of Applying Geophysical Methods on Mars.
18 October, 2021. publication: K. Übernickel et al. (2021) Reviews and syntheses: Composition and characteristics of burrowing animals along a climate and ecological gradient, Chile.
11 October, 2021. PhD Thesis defence: Moritz Johannes Köster, EarthShape project A3, Phase I, University of Bern, Switzerland
29 September, 2021. subprojects meeting: DEEP EarthShape, hybrid meeting, University of Tübingen
27-30 September, 2021. project meeting: Full consortium workshop, hybrid meeting, University of Tübingen
21 September, 2021. PhD Thesis defence: Renee van Dongen, EarthShape phase I, project 9, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
20 September, 2021. publication: M. Spohn & et al. (2021) Terrestrial ecosystems buffer inputs through storage and recycling of elements.
08 September, 2021. publication: M. Spohn & S. Holzheu (2021) Temperature controls diel oscillation of the CO2 concentration in a desert soil.
30 August, 2021. publication: P. Grigusova et al. (2021) Area-Wide Prediction of Vertebrate and Invertebrate Hole Density and Depth across a Climate Gradient in Chile Based on UAV and Machine Learning.
26 August, 2021. publication: H. Sharma et al. (2021) Effect of rock uplift and Milankovitch timescale variations in precipitation and vegetation cover on catchment erosion rates.
29 July, 2021. online presentation: E. Lodes: Fracture control on differential weathering, erosion and landscape evolution.
15 July, 2021. online presentation: R. Tian: Does Microbial iron availability change across a climatic gradient?
08 July, 2021. online presentation: R. Canessa M.: Interactive plant-trait and climate effects on litter decomposition along the Chilean coastal range.
01 July, 2021. online presentation: L. van den Brink: No homefield advantage in litter decomposition.
21-25 June, 2021. students' workshop: ES phase II - 3rd workshop: Scientific Writing - online
06 May, 2021. online presentation: K. Übernickel: Composition and Characteristics of Burrowing Animals along a Climate Gradient, Chile.
20 April, 2021. publication: S. Terweh et al. (2021) Bio-climate affects hillslope and fluvial sediment grain size along the Chilean Coastal Cordillera
19 - 30 April, 2021. online conference: EarthShape @ EGU #vEGU21
19 April, 2021. PhD Thesis defence: Francisco Nájera, EarthShape phase I, project 6, Universidad de la Frontera, Chile
19 April, 2021. article: F. von Blanckenburg (2021) Leben im nahen Untergrund, DFG Magazin Forschung 01/2021
08 April, 2021. publication: S.C. Stock et al. (2021) Plant carbon investment in fine roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: A cross-biome study on nutrient acquisition strategies
10 March, 2021. PhD Thesis defence: Rafaella Canessa M., EarthShape phase I, project 1, University of Marburg
08 March, 2021. Workshop (online): EarthShape handling Metadata and International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSNs)
February, 2021. research broschure: Research focuses "Commited to the Future" of the University of Tübingen, EarthShape as example in Geosciences (on page 21)
25 February, 2021. online presentation: V. Rodriguez: Bacterial community pattern in soils along the Chilean Coastal Cordillera depending on slope exposition and climate .
22 February, 2021. press release: EarthShapers from Tübingen S. Seitz and T. Scholten about biocrusts in Germany: Carpets of moss help stop erosion
18 February, 2021. online presentation: C. Schwerdhelm: Microbially mediated oxidation of Fe-bearing silicate minerals.
08 February, 2021. online presentation: P. Grigusova: Identification of preferred areas (soil properties, topography, land cover) for burrowing using high resolution remote sensing data .
28 January, 2021. online presentation: M. Schaller: Soil production, weathering and erosion rates in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera.
23 January, 2021. publication: S. Mutz et al. (2021) Twenty-first century regional temperature response in Chile based on empirical-statistical downscaling
14 January, 2021. PhD Thesis defence: Svenja Stock, EarthShape phase I, project 6, University of Göttingen
14 January, 2021. online presentation: K. Huessmann: Nutrient limitation of microbial activity in soil and litter along a climate gradient in Chile.
22 December, 2020. data publication: K. Übernickel et al. (2020) Time series of meteorological station data in the EarthShape study areas in the Coastal Cordillera, Chile
17 December, 2020. online presentation: N. Riveras: Biological Soil Crust mediate changes in soil aggregates along a climate gradient along Chile.
17 December, 2020. data publication: U. Weckmann et al. (2020) Geophysical borehole logging data from Santa Gracia, Chile
16 December, 2020. publication: M. Schaller et al. (2020) Comparison of regolith physical and chemical characteristics with geophysical data along a climate and ecological gradient, Chilean Coastal Cordillera (26 to 38 ° S)
24 November, 2020. publication: M. Koester et al. (2020) From rock eating to vegetarian ecosystems - Disentangling processes of phosphorus acquisition across biomes
05 November, 2020. publication: C. Merino et al. (2020) Contribution of the Fenton reaction and ligninolytic enzymes to soil organic matter mineralisation under anoxic conditions
October, 2020. articles: Tübingen university journal Attempto!: 3 articles by EarthShapers / EarthShape associates: S. Mutz, K. Tielbörger and A. Kappler: From lake to Desert and back again; A Dry Run: Drought Impact on Plant Ecosystems; Permafrost - a Thawing Time Bomb?
27 October, 2020. press communication: Von der Mikroskala zur Landschaft: Wie Mikroorganismen die Atacama Wüste verändern, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
21 October, 2020. publication: R. A. Oeser & F. von Blanckenburg (2020) Strontium isotopes trace biological activity in the Critical Zone along a climate and vegetation gradient
21 October, 2020. online meeting: EarthShape projects involved in drought experiments
14 October, 2020. publication: R. A. Oeser & F. von Blanckenburg (2020) Do degree and rate of silicate weathering depend on plant productivity?
08 October, 2020. publication: R. Canessa et al. (2020) Relative effects of climate and litter traits on decomposition change with time, climate and trait variability
07 October, 2020. publication: P. Jung et al. (2020) Lichens bite the dust - a bioweathering scenario in the Atacama Desert
September, 2020. book: Flora del Parque Nacional Puyehue , produced with help of EarthShape
14 September, 2020. PhD Thesis defence: Ralf Oeser , EarthShape phase I, project 12, GFZ Potsdam
14 July, 2020. publication: E. Samolov et al. (2020) Biodiversity of Algae and Cyanobacterias in Biological Soil Crusts Collected Along a Climatic Gradient in Chile Using an Integrative Approach
07 July, 2020. publication: P. Jung et al. (2020) Shifting boundaries: Ecological and geographical range extension based on three new species in the cyanobacterial genera Cyanocohniella, Oculatella, and Aliterella
12 June, 2020. publication co-authored by EarthShape PhD student L. v.d. Brink: Genetic characterization of an endangered Chilean endemic species, Prosopis burkartii Muñoz, reveals its hybrids parentage
30 May, 2020. publication co-authored by EarthShape PhD student L. v.d. Brink: Phylogenetic relationships of plant species from the flowering desert of the Atacama Region
29 May, 2020. PhD Thesis defence: Sebastian Kock, EarthShape phase I, project 7, University of Heidelberg
15 May, 2020. podcast: F. von Blanckenburg - Auf ein akademisches Viertel: Folge 13
11-13 May, 2020. annual meeting of full consortium EARTHSHAPE (online)
11 May, 2020. publication: F. Najera et al. (2020) Effects of drying/rewetting on soil aggregate dynamics and implications for organic matter turnover
04-08 May, 2020. congress: EarthShape @ #ShareEGU: "EarthShape" Session - chat online & ES movie presentation by F. von Blanckenburg & K. Übernickel
04-06 May, 2020. students' workshop: ES phase II - 2nd workshop: Softskills - online
20 April, 2020. publication: D. Scherler & W. Schwanghart Drainage divide networks - Part 1: Identification and ordering in digital elevation models
20 April, 2020. publication: J.J. Lembrechts et al. (ES co-authors: K. Tielbörger, L. van den Brink, M.Y. Baader, R. Canessa, T. Scholten) SoilTemp: A global database of near-surface temperature
20 March, 2020. publication: J. Starke et al. (2020) Latitudinal effect of vegetation on erosion rates identified along western South America
19 March, 2020. ES movie presentation and outreach talk for local community Quebrada de Talca: K. Übernickel - cancelled due to COVID19 outbreak, instead: meeting with representative only at 21.03.20, in La Serena, Chile
11 March – 07 April, 2020. university outreach: J. Boy leading students’ excursion “SHARE-X” in Chile, visiting all 4 EarthShape research sites & explaining the EarthShape research concept during field work (due to COVID-19 end of excursion 18 March), Soil Science Institute of Leibnitz Universität Hannover, realized in Chile
02 March, 2020. ES movie presentation and outreach talk for local community: K. Übernickel & DEEP ES team La Campana, Las Palmas community, near Olmué, Chile
08 February - 19 March, 2020. DEEP EarthShape drilling III & IV in Chile
04 February, 2020. article: Wie Pflanzen die Bodenerosion prägen @ Bioökonomie.de
04 February, 2020. publication: M. Spohn et al. (2020) Phosporus solubilization in the rhizosphere in two saprolites with contrasting phosphorus fractions
03 February, 2020. publication: S. Kock et al. (2020) Multi-Centennial-Scale Variations of South American Summer Monsoon Intensity in the Southern Central Andes (24-27°S) During the Late Holocene
27 January, 2020. publication: E. Brucker et al. (2020) Release of phosphorus and silicon from minerals by soil microorganisms pdepends on the availability of organic carbon
27 January, 2020. PhD Thesis defence: Manuel Schmid, EarthShape phase I, project 2, University of Tübingen
23 January, 2020. publication: J. A. Senn et al. (2020) A new concept for estimating the influence of vegetation on throughfall kinetic energy using aerial laser scanning
20 January, 2020. EarthShape movies accesible on central German registry (Referenzbibliothek) (TIB AV Portal)
10 January, 2020. article: Atacama: Verborgenes Leben im Wüstenkies at SCINEXX das wissensmagazin
09 January, 2020. press communication: Mikroorganismen prägen ganze Landschaften at Hochschulkommunikation Technische Universität Kaiserslauter; follow up article: Entdecker unterstützt Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschule Kaiserslautern
26 December, 2019. article: Comunidades biológicas de suelo descubiertas en Atacama podrían ser utilizadas para la colonización extraterrestre, El diario de Atacama, Chile
26 December, 2019. article: Descubren nuevas comunidades biológicas para colonizar planetas, El diario de Atacama, Chile
26 December, 2019. article: Organismos descubiertos en el desierto de Atacama podrían servir para colonizar otros planetas, cooperativa, Chile
26 December, 2019. TV: Descubren microorganismos en Pan de Azúcar que podrían sobrevivir en otros planetas , 24 horas, Chile
17 December, 2019. article: Forscher der Universitäten Rostock, Kaiserslautern, München und Marburg entdecken neue Lebensgemeinschaft in der Atacama - Wüste at Pressemitteilungen Universität Rostock, Germany
10 December, 2019. article: A newly found Atacama Desert soil community survives on sips of fog, Science News
07 December, 2019. article: Die Haut der Erde at Tageszeitung Berliner Tagesspiegel, Germany
21-25 November, 2019. Public interaction during field work: field site Las Palmas community by DEEP EarthShape project 13, near La Campana, Chile
13 November, 2019. publication: P. Jung et al. (2019) Desert Breath - How fog promotes a novel type of soil biocenosis, forming the coastal Atacama Desert's living skin
12 November, 2019. article: Wie das Leben die Erdkruste verändert at Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany
11 November, 2019. article: Erdgeschichte in getanzten Bildern: Geoforscher drehen Film in Chile at Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany
07 November, 2019. publication: L.W. Lehnert et al. (2020) A new high spatial resolution low stratus/fog retrieval for the Atacama Desert
06 November, 2019. DEEP ES drilling starts near Pan de Azúcar, Chile
October, 2019. EARTHSHAPE movies in English, Spanish and German are available on Youtube
14 October, 2019. EARTHSHAPE movie "The skin of the Earth" Presentation at Café Haag, Tübingen, Germany
09 October, 2019. EARTHSHAPE movie "The skin of the Earth" Premier at GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
08 October, 2019. article: Announcement of Freie Universität Berlin: „Die Haut der Erde – Wo Leben auf Steine trifft” EARTHSHAPE movie Premier at GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
30 September, 2019. article: Neue Flechtenart in der Atacama Wüste entdeckt: Junger Forscher ist nun auf der Suche nach weiteren Projekten, Rhein Zeitung, Germany
13 September, 2019. public: Educación Ambiental by R. Godoy, school of Vegas Blancas (near Nahuelbuta), Chile
05-09 August, 2019. students' workshop: ES phase II - 1st workshop: Introduction to Statistic, Tübingen, Germany
04 August, 2019. publication: P. Jung et al. (2019) Water availability shapes edaphic and lithic cyanobacterial communities in the Atacama Desert
22 July, 2019. article: Wie Flechten an den trockensten Orten der Erde gedeihen, Der Standard, Germany
22 July, 2019. publication: S. Mutz & T. E. Ehlers (2019) Detection and explanation of spatiotemporal patterns in Late Cenozoic paleoclimate change relevant to Earth surface processes
17 July, 2019. press communication (2019) Atacama Desert: Some lichens can meet their need for water from air humidity, text from Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, on page of Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw), deutscher Text hier , Germany
14 July, 2019. capacitación: Vivero Imperial CONAF by P. Aguilera & R. Godoy, Chile
05 July, 2019. publication: P. Jung et al. (2019) Ecophysiology and phylogeny of new terricolous and epiphytic chlorolichens in a fog oasis of the Atacama Desert
23 June, 2019. radio: live interview at Freies Radio Wüste Welle with L. van den Brink, EarthShape phase I, project 11, University of Tübingen, Germany
01 June, 2019. publication: S. Kock et al. (2019) Geomorphodynamics as recorded in a high-Andean cushion peatland of teh western Chilean Central Andes (27°S) during the last 1800 cal. yr BP
24 Mai, 2019. PhD Thesis defence: Patrick Jung, EarthShape phase I, project 5, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
03 Mai, 2019. publication: E. Brucker & M. Spohn (2019) Formation of soil phosphorus fractions along a climate and vegetation gradient in the Coastal Cordillera of Chile
02 Mai, 2019. publication: R. van Dongen et al. (2019) Cosmogenic 10Be in river sediment: where grain size matters and why
29 April, 2019. publication: I. Dal Bo et al. (2019) Geophysical imaging of regolith in landscapes along a climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean coastal cordillera
09 April, 2019. public talk: K. Übernickel "EarthShape - How Biota changes the Earth's surface" (announcement), Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, Chile
07-12 April, 2019. congress: EarthShape @ EGU, Vienna, Austria
21 March, 2019. article: In der endlosen Weite dem Leben auf der Spur, Uni Spectrum, Kaiserslautern, Germany
08 March, 2019. article: Realizan primera aproximación de la diversidad microalgal de los ecosistemas terrestres de la región at announcements of UACh, Chile
14 March, 2019. article: EarthShape: Deutsch-Chilenisches Forschungsprojekt geht in die 2. Phase, GFZ Potsdam, Germany
06-09 March, 2019. EARTHSHAPE at II International Symposium: Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in South America, Bariloche, Argentina
04-15 March, 2019. EarthShape Phase II Kick-off meeting (group picture) with over 80 participants, Olmué, Chile
February, 2019 instalation permanent poster: Lichen Diversity of the National Park Pan de Azúcar, by P. Jung, L. van den Brink et al., National Park Pan de Azúcar, Chile
17 February, 2019. publication: S. Kock et al. (2019) Late Holocene environmental changes reconstructed from stable isotope and geochemical records from a cushion-plant peatland in the Chilean Central Andes (27°)
25 February to 01 March, 2019. University course: Molecular analysis of terrestrial and freshwater cyanobacterial/algal communities in pristine temperate rainforest, Southern Chile, T. Friedl & J. Nimptsch et al., Valdivia, Chile
30 January, 2019. publication: E. Samolov et al. (2019) Usual alga from unusual habitats: Biodiversity of Klebsormidium (Klebsormidiophyceace, Streptophyta) from the phylogenetic superclade G isolated from biological soil crusts.
17-18 January, 2019. preparation course: DeepEarthShape Drilling in Chile, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
07 January, 2019. publication: S. Stock et al. (2019) Environmental drivers and stoichiometric constraints on enzyme activities in soils from rhizosphere to continental scale.
01 January, 2019. EarthShape Phase II begins
2018. Creation of library: by L. van den Brink of all scientific studies conducted at this park, including all EarthShape papers. In future updated once per year at National Park Pan de Azúcar, Chile
10 December, 2018. EARTHSHAPE co-coordinator F. von Blanckenburg becomes AGU fellow 2018
09 to 12 October, 2018. EARTHSHAPE final workshop Phase I, Quedlinburg, Germany
10 October, 2018. publication: K. Baumann et al. (2018) Biological soil crusts along a climatic gradient in Chile: Richness and imprints of phototrophic microorganisms in phosphorus biochemical cycling.
08 October, 2018. publication: M. Schmid et al. (2018) Effect of changing vegetation and precipitation on denudation - Part 2: Predicted landscape response to transient climate and vegetation cover over millenial to million-year timescales.
08 October, 2018. publication: C. Werner et al. (2018) Effect of changing vegetation and precipitation on denudation - Part 1: Predicted vegetation composition and cover over the last 21 thousand years along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile.
06 October 2018. article: Forschen über (Fach-)Grenzen hinweg, Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, Germany
21 August, 2018. poster: Influye la lluvia en la descomposición de la hojarasca? by R. Canessa & L. van den Brink @ Segundo Seminario de Ciencias en Áreas Protegidas del Estado en la Región de Atacama, Copiapó, Chile; article: Universidad de Atacama
05-06 July 2018. DFG panel meeting for Phase II starting 2019, Tübingen, Germany
19 June, 2018. publication: R. A. Oeser et al. (2018) Chemistry and microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera.
18 June, 2018. talk in secondary school: L. van den Brink presenting as part of presentation about the National Park Pan de Azúcar at Diego Portales school in Chañaral, Chile
07 June, 2018. publication: L. W. Lehnert et al. (2018) Estimating Net Photosynthesis of Biological Soil Crusts in the Atacama Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
May, 2018. Outreach: Preparation of EarthShape Booklet “What is EarthShape?” by PhD students & K. Übernickel & L. Paulino, English and Spanish Version – distributed in EarthShape sites National Parks in Chile, available as download
26 May, 2018. publication: M. Spohn & Sierra C. A. (2018): How long do elements cycle in terrestrial ecosystems?
27 April, 2018. outreach: Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar: L. van den Brink explaining the influence of climate on the vegetation during excursion “Cultiva tu identidad”, program INJUV del Ministerio de Desarollo Social y Familia, Chile
19-20 April 2018. public talks: by R. Godoy, C. Marin and L. Paulino at local comunities in Vegas Blancas (Escuela Juan Ferriere C., Vegas Blanca, Nahuelbuta) & Angol (Centro Cultural, municipalidad Angol) , Chile
16 April 2018. Interview: with EarthShape published at CEAZA and newspaper El Dia , Chile
09 April, 2018 article: P. Jung et al. 2018: Uncovering the Earth's skin. Journal of Sketching Science
08 to 13 April, 2018. congress: EarthShape @ EGU 2018, Vienna, Austria
6 April, 2018. publication: S. Mutz, T.A. Ehlers, M. Werner, G. Lohmann, C. Stepanek, J. Li (2018): Estimates of late Cenozoic climate change relevant to Earth surface processes in tectonically active orogens.
27 March, 2018 blog: EarthShape @ Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative
13-15 March, 2018. Outreach: L. van den Brink during Guanaco Monitoring presentation of the EarthShape project research concept to officials from varying institutions, National Park Pan de Azúcar, Chile
08 - 29 March, 2018 university outreach: J. Boy leading students’ excursion “SHARE-X” in Chile, visiting all 4 EarthShape research sites & explaining the EarthShape research concept during field work, Soil Science Institute of Leibnitz Universität Hannover, realized in Chile
02 March, 2018 article: newspaper El Mercurio, Chile
March, 2018. publication: M. Schaller, T.A. Ehlers, K.A.H. Lang, M. Schmid, J.P. Fuentes-Espoz (2018): Addressing the contribution of climate and vegetation cover on hillslope denudation, Chilean Coastal Cordillera (26°-38°).
28 February – 02 March, 2018. Outreach: L. van den Brink during Penguin Monitoring presentation of the EarthShape project research concept to officials from varying institutions, Reserva Nacional Pinguino de Humboldt, Isla Chañaral, Chile
22 February, 2018. publication: I. Djukic et al. (ES co-authors: K. Tielbörger, L. van den Brink, M.Y. Baader, R. Canessa, S. Seitz, T. Scholten) (2018): Early stage litter decomposition across biomes.
21 to 24 February, 2018. symposium: Leopoldina “Earth surface shaping by biotic processes”, (Leopoldina Jahrbuch Auszug), Halle, Germany
21 February, 2018. Outreach: L. van den Brink during Bird Monitoring presentation of the EarthShape project research concept to officials from varying institutions, National Park Pan de Azúcar, Chile
15 February, 2018. public talk: M. Spohn "Element cycling - An ecophysiological perspective", Tupper, Smithsonian, Panama
13-14 February, 24 March, 27-29 March 2018. Outreach to students: L. van den Brink during excursion of students (practical period): installation of camera traps & use of GPS devices & presentation of the EarthShape project research concept, National Park Pan de Azúcar, Chile
30 January – 02 February, 2018. Outreach: L. van den Brink during Bird Monitoring presentation of the EarthShape project research concept to officials from varying institutions, National Park Nevado Tres Cruces, Chile
January, 2018. publication: L. W. Lehnert, B. Thies, K. Trachte, S. Achilles, P. Osses, K. Baumann, J. Schmidt, E. Samolov, P. Jung, P. Leinweber, U. Karsten, B. Büdel, J. Bendix (2017): A Case Study on Fog/Low Stratus Occurrence at Las Lomitas, Atacama Desert (Chile) as a Water Source for Biological Soil Crusts.
2017. book chapter: S. Liebner & D. Wagner: Geomikrobiologie: Werkzeug in der Erdsystemforschung. Geomicrobiology: A Tool for Earth System Research. - In: Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum(Ed.), Fokus: Erde: von der Erdvermessung zum System Erde = Focus: Earth, Deutscher Kunstverlag, pp. 228-233.- (chapter mentioning EarthShape research)
December, 2017. publication: C. Marín, Godoy R., Valenzuela E., Schloter M., Wubet T., Boy J., Gschwendtner S. (2017): Functional land-use change effects on soil fungal communities in Chilean temperate rainforests. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
28-29 November, 2017. Outreach: L. van den Brink during Penguin Monitoring presentation of the EarthShape project research concept to officials from varying institutions, Reserva Nacional Pinguino de Humboldt, Isla Chañaral, Chile
03 November, 2017. call for proposal for the 2nd phase of EARTHSHAPE
16 October, 2017. Interview of Leandro Paulino at Fundación Chile Hace Ciencia, Chile
October, 2017. publication: A. M. Fiore-Donno, C. Rixen, M. Rippin, K. Glaser, E. Samolov, U. Karsten, B. Becker, M. Bonkowski (2017): New barcoded primers for efficient retrieval of cercozoan sequences in high-throughput environmental diversity surveys, with emphasis on worldwide biological soil crusts. Molecular Ecology Resources
09 to 13 October, 2017. second EARTHSHAPE students Workshop, Potsdam, Germany
25 September, 2017. public talk: L. van den Brink about EarthShape and project 11, phase I, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
August, 2017. publication: C.G. Bueno, C. Marín, P. Silva-Flores, P. Aguilera, R. Godoy (2017): Think globally, research locally: emerging opportunities for mycorrhizal research in South America. New Phytologist 215: 1306-1309
28 July, 2017. outreach: Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar: L. van den Brink explaining the influence of climate on the vegetation during excursion “Vive tus parques”, program INJUV del Ministerio de Desarollo Social y Familia, Chile
15-17 July, 2017. Outreach: L. van den Brink during Guanaco Monitoring presentation of the EarthShape project research concept to officials from varying institutions, National Park Pan de Azúcar, Chile
13 July, 2017. Workshop: by L. van den Brink for CONAF rangers Pan de Azúcar: How to use a GPS device (capacitación), Chile
02 July, 2017. Workshop: by L. van den Brink for CONAF rangers La Campana: How to use a GPS device (capacitación), Chile
23 to 28 April, 2017. EARTHSHAPE @ EGU, Vienna, Austria
28 to 31 March, 2017. EARTHSHAPE Workshop, Tübingen, Germany
06 to 09 March, 2017. EARTHSHAPE at Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in the Southern Cone of South America, Chile
01 January, 2017. Image at effzett Magazin Jülich Forschungszentrum, Germany
December, 2016. article: in Jahresschrift der Heidelberger Geographischen Gesellschaft (HGG), Germany
19 December, 2016. Blog Jülich Forschungszentrum, Germany
28 November to 2 December, 2016. EARTHSHAPE at Congreso Latinoamericano IUFRO de Ecología del Paisaje, Chile
15 November, 2016. talks: by group of EarthShapers (K. Übernickel, L. Paulino, R. Canessa & L. van den Brink & others to CONAF rangers of NP La Campana, presenting a variety of EarthShape projects and the ES weatherstation data, Chile
31 October, 2016. talks: by R. Canessa & L. van den Brink to CONAF rangers of NP Pan de Azúcar, presenting the EarthShape phase I projects number 1 and 11, Chile
12 October, 2016. article: . Universidad Austral de Chile
27 to 30 September, 2016. 1st EARTHSHAPE Students workshop, Tübingen, Germany
2nd half of 2016. interview & article: GFZ Journal , Germany
18 July, 2016. article: attempto online , Tübingen, Germany
22 June, 2016. posters at “Primer Seminario de Ciencias en Áreas Protegidas del Estado en la Región de Atacama", Copiapó, Chile by R. Canessa & L. van den Brink, Title: ¿Cómo afectan los atributos de las plantas y el clima los procesos del carbono orgánico del suelo en la Cordillera de la Costa de Chile?; articles: UdeAtacama & CONAF
24 March, 2016. article: Las Ultimas Noticias , Chile
22 March, 2016. article: 24 Horas, Chile
23 February to 12 March, 2016. EARTHSHAPE Kick-off Meeting in Olmué, Chile with groups of participants visiting National Parks Nahuelbuta, La Campana, Pan de Azúcar and private Reserve Santa Gracia, Chile
03 March, 2016. article: GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
25 February, 2016. article: Conaf, Chile
19 January, 2016. article: Ostsee-Zeitung, Germany
19 January, 2016. article: NNN Schwerin, Germany
19 February, 2016. article: Diario La Region, Chile
21 to 31 January, 2016. Soil pit site selection trip, Chile
31 August, 2015. 17 new PhD positions are now available
29 July, 2015 coordination meeting: all EarthShape participants, Frankfurt, Germany
16-17 June, 2015 Funding decision made by DFG, Germany
End of January, 2015. first deadline for EarthShape proposals, Germany
30-31 October, 2014 kickoff meeting Fall, GFZ Potsdam, Germany
01 April, 2014. article: idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft , Germany
March 2014. The EarthShape proposal is approved by the DFG senate for ~10.2M Euros support over 6 years, Germany