Phase II (2019-'21) |
II P1: FIRE Induced Element Cycling II P2: Nutrient cycling & vegetation II P3: Microorganisms & soil structure II P4: Linking bioturbation with fluxes II P5: Erosion-Climate-Vegetation coupling (SECCO) II P6: Bio-Geomorphology II P7: Biota, fracture, thresholds II P8: Stress constrained landscape modeling II P9: Bridging timescales with modeling II P10: Landscape evolution from Thermochronology II P11: DeepES - Weathering Geochemistry II P12: DeepES - Microbial element cycling II P13: DeepES - Geophysical Imaging II P14: DeepES - Microbial activity II P15: DeepES - Geomicrobiology II A1: Plant available water storage II A2: Bioweath |
Phase I (2016-'18) |
I P1: Plant Traits and Decomposition I P2: Coupled Modelling I P3: Biofilms & Weathering I P4: Sediment storage & Connectivity I P5: Crustweathering I P6: Root Carbon I P7: Paleoclimate I P8: Imaging of Weathering front I P9: Sediment Transport I P10: Phosphorus solubilization I P11: Green & Grey world I P12: Biogenic Weathering I P13: Microbiological Stabilization I A3: Carbon & Nutrient Fluxes |
Investigator Names and Contact Info:
Chilean Collaborators Involved:
66% Co-Supervisor: PD Dr. Thomas Hoffmann, 33% Co-supervisor: Prof. Lothar Schrott
supervisor: PD Dr. Thomas Hoffmann / Prof. Lothar Schrott, co-supervisor: Dr. Sebastian Schmidtlein
supervisor: Dr. Sebastian Schmidtlein
Project Summary:
BioScapes IV is part of a series of independent EARTHSHAPE proposals that quantifies biotic, surface process, and paleoclimate interactions at the catchment scale and larger. In This contribution, we analyse the evolution of the earth surface, which is governed by i) physical and chemical weathering, ii) hillslope and channel erosion, and iii) transport and deposition of sediment. Biota, and most prominent vegetation, plays a crucial role in all three processes. Depending on the timescale, biota can increase or decrease the rates of earth surface processes. In the context of plants as ecosystem engineers, sediment deposition is of special importance since it generates high productivity habitats and thus facilitates the establishment of new vegetation, which in turn modifies earth surface processes. Understanding the response of the earth surface to environmental changes at various time scales thus requires a detailed knowledge on the interaction between earth surface processes and vegetation dynamics.
This project aims at understanding temporal and spatial effects of vegetation and other biotic processes on sediment dynamics in the three focus catchments of EarthShape. Along the flow path of water, sediment delivery and storage will be assessed on different spatiotemporal scales including individual hillslopes and entire river catchments, from ~20 ka BP to the present.
The study combines data from geomorphological and stratigraphical mapping, geophysical soundings and OSL and radiocarbon dating. This information will be used to compile a long-term sediment storage inventory and to calculate sediment budgets and residence times, as a proxy of sediment connectivity. To differentiate the direct (short-term) effects of the vegetation patterns on recent sediment storage and connectivity from long-term topographic effects of vegetation mediated weathering and transport, we will use a straightforward connectivity algorithm and evaluate the results based on the geomorphic mapping and the results of the long-term sediment budget.
In summary, the proposed project will deepen our understanding of non-linear responses to external drivers in ecogeomorphological systems through a combination of geomorphological and biogeographical techniques. The major focus lies on sediment storage and residence time, which are central measures of catchment connectivity and thus of the sensitivity of sediment cascades in response to external environmental changes.